Time equals music
cymbal of time
about us
I’m Scott King, here’s my story.
I’m a drummer and watch collector.
I realized one day that my entire life has been connected to time.
Keeping time as a drummer and collecting time in the form of watches.
I wanted to create a watch that represented both, a watch that celebrates drummers.
And after a few years of dreaming and designing I created a watch called Cymbal of Time.
The body of the watch is a snare drum. But the dial is the magic.
The dial is cut from a cymbal. Every watch is unique because every cymbal is unique. Every cymbal has a story to tell.
Our Cymbal of Time watch will have a cymbal that we’ve collected, or you can customize your watch with your own personal cymbal.
Our Pro Line will contain a cymbal that has been recorded on an album and played on popular radio.
Scott king
FOUNDER, drummer, watch collector.